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Board Updates

Here you will find updates and meeting minutes from the quarterly Board Meetings.

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August 2024

The meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm by Dr Miller. Present were: Julie Dou, Donna McCreadie, Sanjay Kucheria, Murli Tolaney, Shahn Ahmad , Grace Cashion, Emma Stewart. Linda Hyde attended via Facetime connection.


The minutes of the last meeting in May were approved. Dr Miller gave the Presidents report with a presentation of our HOA Banner to be displayed at events functions and meetings. He reported that the June 29th First Avenue Festival with food, and a carnival atmosphere and activities was a success. The City appreciated our donation to the event. The City Council and Mayor were present. It was very good attendance.


In addition we were reminded that the Arcadia Health Fair is on August 10th with general information regarding services available in the area. Invitation of attendance is for all interested parties. The City is also reminding residents regarding the recycling pick and services in our neighborhood. Stuart has been contacted regarding problem areas in our neighborhood that could be handled by Public Works. These include shrubbery at Baldwin and Hampton, and
Hampton and Michillinda which makes access for turning and traffic difficult. Donna reported that traffic on Michillinda was very often too fast, and asked if there could by any solution to that. Sanjay asked about traffic stop at singing wood, Fallen Leaf and Hampton to slow cars. Additionally a pot hole at Baldwin and Foothill was reported in need of repair. Stuart will contact the city to check on these items.


Various HOA’s have requested a task force to deal with the bears in neighborhoods. If any neighbors are interested in joining this committee please contact us.


Emma Stewart reported on our treasury of $7,359.91 with 87 paid members in our Association for the 2024 calendar year. She is keeping track of our CDs and rolling them over when appropriate.


Donna McCreadie reported on membership and questions regarding yard signs etc requests. She reminded us to watch for damaged signs for replacing or refreshing.


Sanjay Kucheria reported for the ARB that a second home at 255 Foothill is beginning. He reminded us that work must not begin without checking with our Architectural Review Board. For tiles, fence constructions and materials. A home on Glencoe and Hampton want 15,000 sq ft home approval for multi generational residence. In addition, 995 Hampton will request 7500 sq ft approval. We will be inviting new buyers to join our HOA this year.


New Business focused on our Annual Meeting to be held in October. Venues and sites were offered by Shahn and Emma. We discussed the Meridian, the Derby, the Arboretum, Santa Anita, Embassy Suites and San Gabriel Country Club. Emma had earlier presented menu options from San Gabriel for Brunch and Lunch options which we had reviewed. Discussion followed that this was the simplest option and with more varied menus from which to choose.
Our treasury and membership for 2024 will support cost of the meeting of about $55/per person (depending upon final count and menu) for about 80 attending. The Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 20th at 11:30 am. Invitations will be sent out for RSVPs from members. Grace Cashion will be organizing the invitations which we will deliver personally.


Our next membership drive for calendar year 2025 will follow this meeting. Business of the Association will be discussed, city officers are invited, and we have asked Vipula Cunningham to review our web site and on line connections for us at the meeting.


Sanjay suggested we solicit sponsors for the meeting and it was suggested to be sure to collect member information for our directory in the format of past directory lists. The directory will be distributed at the meeting in October.


We will meet and discuss via zoom and email for further details on the Annual Meeting and on nominations for our Board.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm


Respectfully (and hopefully) submitted
Linda Hyde, Secretary

May 2024

The meeting in the city council chambers was called to order at 7:14. Present were members Miller, Ahmad, Dou, Stewart, McCreadie, Cashion, Hyde. Sanjay Kucheria and Murli Tolaney and Vipula Cunningham were not present. Farrah Ahmad attended to present activity report. We were hoping Jaimie Diaz would join us again.


President, Dr Miller reported that he had been in contact with City regarding license plate readers for our area exits and entrances. He said we will be waiting for the additional readers which will be installed gradually in a few months. We still need cameras at Hampton and Michillinda; Santa Margarita and Orange Grove; Dexter and Foothill; Hampton and Baldwin. Baldwin and Orange Grove may already be covered.


The minutes of the last meeting in February were approved as submitted.


Emma Stewart, treasurer reported on expenditures and income for the last three months. Our memberships have increased (due to the membership “drive” efforts in April) We have $6,113.82 in the active account. One CD will mature in June and it was moved and seconded and approved that Emma be authorized to rollover that certificate. She reported that our Post Office box number needed correction as well as zip for the post office. These have been updated in our files.


Membership Chair, Donna McCreadie reported on the work of our board to print, collate and distribute letters and membership forms to residents who had not renewed their dues in the Association. We specifically thanked Julie Dou for her translations of our written notes and minutes, and Sanjay, Shawn, Donna and Stuart for delivering the reminders. We thank our neighbors for responding with their information and dues. Our next regular reminders will go out in October for the 2025 membership before our Annual Meeting which is required by our by-laws. We were reminded that the Anoakia properties (which have their own separate HOA) are part of our Association area, and will mail membership packets to them. We want them to feel included in our group as well.


Discussion followed regarding the site for our Annual meeting in October. We are looking into Santa Anita Race track buffet/ rooms, San Gabriel Country Club, and other venues. This will be decided this summer. We will have a special Board Meeting to plan and discuss the Annual Property Owners’ Association Meeting. We acknowledged that this past year calendar was different than past years and will look to set up specific events in a timely fashion.


Shawn Ahmad gave the ARB report that there were no new builds planned or reported. The corner house at Glencoe and Hampton 375 Hampton has been sold and will be building a multi level house. The Board realized that it is necessary to add another member of the Architetural Review Board, and nominated Murli Tolaney to return his skills to the Committee. All were in favor of this appointment.


Farrah Ahmad reported on plans for our Picnic at Santa Anita Park on June 1 from 10::30AM to 2:00PM. The Gathering is to encourage neighbors to get together and chat, get to know each other in a casual atmosphere. “pot Luck” means, bring your own food, or bring food to share. Table coverings and utensils and water will be provided. The cost at this site is nominal for us and we will reserve our tables in an area ahead of time. Other sites were not feasible. Flyers will
be distributed this week to residents by Farrah, Donna, Shawn, Stuart. RSVP is encouraged so we can plan.

As Vipula was absent we discussed the website and possible facebook pages from Vipula. Mrs. Hyde stated that there are various sites for our Association. What will be done with some of them which are not up to date. (a later check for found a more current site) Stuart will contact her regarding “communications.”

Stuart reminded us of the Arcadia Patriotic Festival where we have been invited to participate This is on June 29 th on first Avenue between Huntington and California. We would sponsor an area booth with a game for small toy prizes. High school student would assist between 5:00- 8:00pm. We will try to participate. This began a discussion about having an HOA Banner identifying us for such events and notices. Stuart will look into the banner.


A discussion regarding the Directory format and form to be collated by Sanjay. We suggested it be similar to past books with card stock cover City and HOA guidelines included.(tree cutting, trash cans, parking, etc) We are hoping to have more members for the next directory. Linda suggested that perhaps a city Zoning/ person could speak at our next annual meeting, Grace mentioned a cousin of Vipula who has done Neighborhood Watch organizing. We will try to
contact him as well to share information for our group.


Our next regular HOA Board meeting will be August 7th . We may need to have an additional earlier meeting before that to plan for our Annual Meeting in October. We will be notified.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm .


Respectfully submitted,
Linda Hyde, Secretary

February 2024

The meeting in the City council Conference Room was called to order at 7:09pm. Present were members: Stuart, Tolaney, Hyde, McCreadie, Ahmad, Stewart. Absent were: Cashion, Kucheria, Cunningham. Our guests were Farrah Ahmad, and Jaime Diaz, recent resident on Orange Grove.


Dr Stuart distributed the agenda, copies of the annual meeting minutes, notes from a membership committee meeting, the treasurer’s report and the “notice of public hearing” on project on 875 Hampton Road from our Architectural review board.


Minutes of the annual meeting were reviewed and approved. In his president’s report Dr. Stuart summarized some concerns from Association members. One comment was that our mail delivery has been coming very late in the afternoon, and is often not delivered with care—sometimes crowded into the mailbox, and on occasion left on the side of the box. One carrier seems more careful than the other. Is the post person in too much of a hurry? Does the post office have too few workers? We will contact the Post Office to see what the reason for this.


We know that cameras, (license plate readers) are installed at intersections of Foothill and Michillinda and Michillinda and Hampton. We are continuing to monitor when the new cameras will be installed at Foothill and Baldwin and Baldwin and Orange Grove. Installations still need to be put in on Dexter and Foothill, and Baldwin and Hampton. The City is moving forward with getting these done.


Emma Stewart gave her treasurers report which included a total of 52 households paid memberships for 2024 calendar year. We have 225 homes in the neighborhood. We will be moving ahead to remind residents to renew their yearly dues. Block party expenses were about $4,000. As planned we now have $40,000 in CD (deposits) and $5,845 in cash available. We hope our membership drive will increase our treasury in order to support future activities.
Donna McCreadie reported on her membership Programs efforts. A committee (Stuart, McCreadie, Stewart, Cunningham and Hyde) met on January 30 to discuss implementing membership drive and encouragement. We need to send reminders to residents about membership benefits.


1. We have worked to get cameras on MIchillinda entrances. We still need to lobby for more.
2. Our yard sign demonstrates you are an active participant in our Association
3. Members receive a directory with current information on residents (Updated)

4. The Architetectural review board helps maintain continuity and values on homes
5. Membership numbers carry influence with the City and Services
6. Members will have access to current information on our website/Facebook pages

It was suggested that we distribute more information regarding dues fees, meeting benefits, dinner/luncheon, services in the city, rules and regulations etc. in our directory. Vipula has created a new membership form, Mrs. Hyde was will edit and include our logo on this and include further information. Board will edit comment this form. The Board determined that we will try to contact residents who have not renewed memberships.. Mrs. Hyde will draft a cover note summarizing benefits etc. for those who have not renewed.

Question was raised if we need to change email contacts to include only members who are current for 2024. We will wait to see if we get more members. Membership is for calendar year (2024) Our next annual meeting in Fall will be requesting membership for 2025. Annual dues of $75.00 will still cover meal at annual meetings.


Farah reported on the Block party in October. This was deemed a success with about 60 or more persons joining us. However all who attended did not join HOA. Food was ample and activities were enjoyed. We had a great response from city representatives who attended. We discussed whether the block party should alternate with more formal meeting, or should be a Spring activity in addition to annual meeting. We noted that notice/ invitation should be sent
much earlier to reach more people. This will be determined later.


Architectural Report was regarding the new build on 875 Hampton which will be about 14,000 sq. feet plus 8,000 in a basement. Some adjustments may be made to plans later. More information can be found at Arcadia notices and decisions re: findings and actions. This will cover more than on lot. Donna reported that the old Chandler property on Singingwood may also be looking to build. The City now allows additional dwellings.


We will get Vipula communications report later as she was absent. As Old Business we discussed what should be in the directory and that some may not want phone or email included. We will note this on our membership form. As membership is updated, we will add information regarding services, hospital information, fire and police.


New business included planning for membership drive and next group event: Annual dinner or luncheon, additional activity. Next Fall annual should be more structured at a venue such as Race track, arboretrum, or a private home or local hotel perhaps. Finances may determine the venue and style of meeting. The San Gabriel meeting was about $9,000 additional. Fees should remain the same and include meal at annual meeting. The Board as well as Jaime Diaz will look
into the Race track as venue for annual meeting. Farah and others suggested a barbeque or gathering in May or a Spring get-together at a park or other place on a Saturday. Perhaps April 27th . More information will be forthcoming.


Reminders will be sent to our email regarding 2024 renewals and benefits. Board volunteers will canvas those who have not renewed.

Our next meeting will be on May 1 in the City Council Chambers Room .


Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm.


Respectfully submitted,
Linda Hyde, Secretary

October 2023 - HOA Annual Meeting

On Saturday, October 15 2023 our Homeowners Association hosted a block party for all residents, regardless of membership in the Association. The gathering was held on Glencoe Avenue between Hampton and Singingwood
Drive from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Features at the party, organized by Farah Ahmad and her committee were a
bouncy house, corn hole games, a taco truck with various tacos, fruit cups and noodles and dumpling offerings. Water, juice, desserts and chips were also available.

Present at the party were representatives of the Police Department, the Fire department and our City Council. The Fire Department brought an engine for children to look at and sit in. The Police volunteers brought information for both children and adults about services of the department, fingerprinting of youth, and our canine officers Kruz and Kopper. The Fire Department brought information about joining paramedic registration to avoid extra fees for ambulance and paramedic services as well as suggestions to sign up for community connection specific to your own household, pets, people living in the house, special needs etc. as well as how to sign up for emergency notifications.

Guests registered at entrances at Singingwood and Hampton and were offered tickets for Santa Anita Race Track as well. It was encouraged the people joined the Association and renewed memberships as well. At approximately 2:04pm our president, Dr. Stuart Miller called a formal meeting to order, thanking Farah and her committee and introducing the
Board Members and Architectural Board who were present. April Verlato, our City Mayor, shared information about the budget for the city with a 9 million dollar surplus because of Measure A for equipment and capital improvement. From this, the Fire Department got new fire equipment. The homeless population in Arcadia is much higher and we have three case managers to serve this group. So far the city has been able to find housing for 65 of these. We cannot remove unhoused as Arcadia does not have real housing available for them. Arcadia has joined 27 other cities in suit to the
county because of the no bail law which is hampering police enforcement etc. Sharon Kwan (our past president of our HOA) welcomed all our guests, and reminded them that Mandarin and Cantonese languages are supported by the city and that she is here to help in any area, Lieutenant John Bonano was introduced and reminded us to check our the
Police department table of information. Chief Tipple of the Orange Grove Fire Station offered photos for kids on the Fire engine, and talked about cooking safety (handles away from kids, oil monitored, don't leave fire unattended.) He reviewed the opportunity to sign up for services and monitoring of households. Dr. Miller introduced Chloe as past treasurer and Emma Stewart our current new treasurer. Donna McCReadie reminded us that she walks daily to contact
our residents about membership in the Association. Vipula Cunningham is finalizing our website and other communication methods. Linda Hyde represented our nominating committee and listed those nominated as Board Members for the 23-24 year. They are: Stuart Miller, president; Murli Tolaney, vice president; Linda Hyde, secretary; Emma Stewart, treasurer; Sanjay Kucheria, chair, architectural review; Members Grace Cashion, Julie Dou, Shawn Ahmad, Donna McCreadie, and new member Vipula Cunningham. It was moved and seconded that we accept this slate for the Board. All present replied “aye” in agreement. The motion was passed. Dr. Miller reminded all that our next meeting is February 7, 2024 at city Hall conference room and all are invited. The meeting was adjourned at 2:50pm with invitation to stay and enjoy the day.


Respectfully submitted
Linda Hyde, secretary

May 2023

The meeting was called to order at 7:11 by president Dr. Stuart Miller. Present were Mr/Ms Tolaney, Hyde, Ahmad, Huang, Cashion, McCreadie, Stewart, Dou. Vipula Cunningham, nominee was present along with guest Ron Beegle, president of the Anoakia HOA and Farrah Ahmad. Mr. Kucheria arrived shortly thereafter.

Presidents report:

            Minutes of last meeting: Stuart reported that the last meeting minutes were translated for us and posted. Chloe Huang reviewed them and noted that they were interpreted in traditional Chinese as correctly as linguistically possible. Thanks for that. Minutes were reviewed, with note for nomination of Vipula Cunningham repeated and were approved.

            Stuart  and Ron Beegle had discussed similarities and differences between our Associations, and that the Anoakia Association was technically a part of our Rancho Association. His HOA has specific CC and R’s in addition.

            We have twenty new yard signs to distribute to new members and replace lost or damaged signs. (at a cost of $396.00 to Staples as the best price)  Committees from last meeting have included Stacy Miller and Farrah Ahmad for the Program committee who will present their findings. Additionally the city has asked all the HOA’s to meet together on May 10th to discuss issues common to all especially for ARB guidelines.

            Ron Beegle has suggested D and O (Director/Officers) insurance for our Board even though the City has said we fall under their umbrella. If the cost is reasonable we will do that.

Treasurers report:

            Chloe reported that we have $47,902.81 in our treasury account. She will look into where to best place this money so that we may gain some interest and still have funds available for our use. Report was approved and Chloe will look into where to best deposit our funds at a ratio of $30k/ $10k/$7k for long and shorter term deposit and access.

Membership report:

            Donna has continued to survey the neighborhood making acquaintance with many residents who she has said will be interested in joining the Association. It was suggested that perhaps membership might include “Ring” camera that will emphasize safety and security. We will continue to gather more information re:  benefits for membership. Farrah reported that on Baldwin there have been squatters in a vacant house, and homeless in the hedges. We need to look out especially or our new residents. The more dollars collected with membership can allow us more dollars for security services.  Suggestions for members and memberships: new Directory with neighborhood rules and regulations for parking, trash pick-up, newsletter or minutes of Board meetings  ARB suggestions and guidelines, and neighborhood watch ideas. 

We should also set up a new application and format for new members ahead of the annual meeting invitation.

Pg 2  5/3/23


Architectural Review Board   

            Sanjay reported that we have 2 ½ more rebuild and remodels in the area. On MIchillinda, and one on 3 lots on Orange Grove .One rebuild includes an 11,000 square foot build.

Program Report:

            Farrah Ahmad reported as Stacy Miller was unable to attend. They have researched for a Street party with food, games, music and activities for children as well. We would have to check with the City and police to determine an appropriate street. Members/ Board would be able to participate with tables, chairs, equipment. A food truck might be safer for health department and liability issues. Discussion followed on whether this should be in addition or in place of the “annual meeting.” If the annual meeting we would need to accommodate official business, Board nominations and members etc.  It was moved and seconded that Farrah chair and organize the block party with the date to be  October 15, 2023, a Sunday. Time to be determined,(12:00 – 5:00?)  and depending upon the permits etc.  from the City.

Communications report:

            Vipula reported that for our website we can use a template for $13.00-$!6.00/ month that will help us keep members informed about events and activities. When this is up and running we can report the news, security notes etc. and have some public and some private access to the site. It was moved and seconded and passed that Vipula continue to set this up.

Additional information and Special Guest:

            We reiterated the importance of determining occupied and unoccupied residences  and rules and regulations from the city to our persons in our area.  Ron Beegle shared how his area is organized and run with the 31 homes in Anoakia and definite CC&R’s (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.)  He noted these residents have definite high fees to their Association with fees for a gate keeper, ARB, maintenance for public areas etc. . He spends many hours as president. He suggests for security in our area we emphasize exterior lights in the night; cameras (Ring or otherwise) and close communication with neighbors. We appreciated Ron’s input and his attendance and comments in our meeting.

            Pictures were taken with the hopes of revising  our brochure regarding our Homeowners Board.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:09pm with reminder that our next meeting is August 2nd.

            Respectfully submitted,

            Linda Hyde, Secretary

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